“Codependency” is used to describe the person who
becomes the “caretaker” of an addicted or troubled individual. The
individual can be addicted to alcohol, drugs, or gambling. Or, he or she can
be troubled by a physical or emotional illness. Codependents can be this
individual’s partner, lover, child, parent, brother, sister, co-worker, or
friend. Codependents do these things:
“Enable” or allow the person to continue his
or her self-destructive or troubled behavior |
“Rescue” the person who has gotten into
trouble from things, such as an arrest, accident, being absent or
late for work |
Make excuses for the person’s behavior |
Deny that the person has a problem |
Typical Roles That Codependents Play
Rescuer – saves the person
from unpleasant situations, i.e., putting an alcoholic to bed after
he/she passes out
Caretaker – takes care of all
household and financial chores which hold the family together
Joiner – rationalizes that the
person’s behavior is normal by simply allowing it to take place or
by taking part in the same behavior as the addicted or troubled
Hero – becomes the “super
person” to preserve the family image
Complainer – blames the person
and makes him or her the scapegoat for all problems
Adjuster – withdraws from the
family and acts like he/she doesn’t care |
Most codependents do not realize they have a
co-dependent problem. They focus more energy on another’s actions and needs
than on their own. They think they are actually helping the troubled person,
but they are not.
Questions to Ask
Do you do three or more of the
Think more about another person’s
behavior and problems than about your own life
Feel anxious about the addicted or
troubled person’s behavior and constantly check on them to
try to catch them in their bad behavior
Worry that if you stop trying to
control the other person, that he or she will fall apart
Blame yourself for this person’s
Cover up or “rescue” this person
when they are caught in a lie or other embarrassing
situation related to their addiction or other problem
Deny that this person has a “real”
problem with drugs, alcohol, etc. and become angry and/or
defensive when others suggest there is an addiction or other
substance abuse problem


You may not be truly codependent, but you should
become aware of how your behavior may be enabling an addicted or troubled
Most codependents are not in touch with their co-dependency and may need
help to see it. The following self-help tips are general suggestions. For
many people, these are not easy to do without the help of a counselor.
Read books on codependency. You can
find these in the library and bookstores. You may find you identify
with what you read and gain understanding. |
Focus on these three C’s:
- You did not Cause the other person’s problem.
- You can’t Control the other person.
- You can’t Cure the problem.
Don’t lie, make excuses, or cover up
for the abuser’s drinking, drug, or other problem. Admit to yourself
that this way of living is not normal and that the abuser or
troubled person has a problem that needs professional help. |
Refuse to come to the person’s aid.
Every time you bail the abuser out of trouble, you reinforce their
helplessness and your hopelessness. |
If you or your children are being
physically, verbally, or sexually abused, do not allow it to
continue. Seek the help of shelters for victims of domestic
violence. |
Know that there are many support
groups which help codependents. Examples are self- help groups for
family and friends of substance abusers, such as Al-Anon, Alateen,
and Children of Alcoholics Foundation (COAF). Other self-help and
support groups are offered through community health education
programs. |
Continue your normal family routines,
i.e., include the drinker when he/she is sober. |
Focus on your own feelings, desires,
and needs. Begin to do what is good for your own well-being. |
Allow children to express their
feelings. Show them how by expressing your own. |
Set limits on what you will and won’t
do. Be firm and stick to these limits. |
Engage in new experiences and
interests. Find diversion from your loved one’s problem. |
Take responsibility for yourself and
others in the family to live a better life whether your loved one
recovers or not. |
What You Can Do for a Friend or Relative
Persons who are codependent may not realize they have a problem, deny
they have a problem, and/or refuse to get help. If you think someone you
know is codependent, the following tips can help you help them:
Let them know that you are concerned for
their well-being and health. |
Encourage them to seek professional help
and/or join a support group. |